I had a draft on endorsements, and was going to extend it mightily, with many links. Instead, I'm posting this short list of who I think sucks the least.
October 20 is my 44th birthday. I will probably celebrate this by eating some cold chili directly out of the can. Humility is a strong teacher.
That being said, I don't know why you should listen to me when it comes to endorsements, other than the fact that I've done a little bit of homework on these endorsements. Hopefully, I can put some facts out there to help you make a more informed decision.
So read the League of Women Voters' guide, and see wht the candidates have to say for themselves.
In any case, here we go:
Governor: Foster Campbell. I want him to get his magic tax, so that we can live in the land of milk and honey. I wish Boasso would show something, but I wish harder that there was a candidate other than ABJ*
Lieutenant Governor: Mitch Landrieu. Like Sammy Kershaw even meets the residency requirement, let alone is competent. Yeah, let's put a guy who had to declare personal bankruptcy with access to state finances. Mook. I can just hear him and his Fred-Thompson-reject-wife (on marriage number 5) talking about "family values". Yecchhhh.
Secretary of State: No endorsement. Jay Dardenne has done a pretty commendable job, but he's prolly gonna bail in the middle of the term and run for another office. Some think he may even get the edge over John (not that one) Kennedy for the GOP candidate for US Senate against Mary Landrieu, although that would surprise me and surprise the hell out of Kennedy.
Treasurer: Abstention. John Kennedy switched to the GOP because he likes the values of people like David Vitter, Larry "wide stance" Craig, Mark Foley, and so on. Feh.
Attorney General: Hold your nose and vote for Caldwell. Foti's relentless witch hunt of Anna Pou, while he simultaneously refused to symbolically go after the Corps means he gets mook status. Kick his pandering ass out.
State Senator, district 6: Monica Monica. How can you not love that name? I wanna just call her "Crawfish". She's an MD and a PhD, so she's definitely bright enough for the job...but what really impresses me is that she actually wants to do something with the Charity hospital system. And she's much more stable than the traveling soap opera that is Julie Quinn.
State Senator, district 9: Steve Scalise. He kept me informed in the days after Katrina, and even though I wasn't in his district, he answered any and all of my questions. He understands the definition of the term public servant. His noisy website still sucks, though.
State Representative, district 95: Percy Marchand. Big time endorsement. This guy is honest and quite impressive. He eschewed all the traditional political machinery endorsements, and he is responsive and saying the right things to my ears. Erin Anderson is a plant by Evan Wolf. That disqualifies both of them in my eyes. More about Evan and Walker Hines. Like Ray, I believe that John Parker is a close second, even if he is from Planet 10. Una Anderson had such a successful tenure on the school board that while she was there 107 schools were taken over by the state. She wants more charters. She's abysmal.
State Representative, district 98: Neil Abramson. Read his website. He's the only one that has actual implementable items, instead of just lofty goals without any plan. And don't you dare vote for little Robbie Couhig. He never had a job in his life, and now he works for daddy. Couhig endorsed Nagin. Apple don't fall too far from dat tree.
New Orleans councilmember at large: Quentin Brown. Simple: who is the most honest candidate running? Then vote for that candidate.
Boulet endorsed Nagin, and she still doesn't see it as a flaw in judgment. Also, she seems to think that she's the smartest person in the room -- hey, if Feynman didn't feel that way, then you sure shouldn't Virginia.
I can't believe one of your acolytes create a blog just to slam me and Oyster. This website says "compare her accomplishments to the profiles of Oyster and Morris." Well, I have a PhD, I'm a tenured professor, I have received research funding from NATO, the National Academy of Science, Oracle Corporation, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. She's on the board of directors of an oil company based outta Houston. Yeah, whatever.
In any case, she endorsed Nagin. That should tell you about her judgment.
*anybody but Jindal
"This blog does not allow anonymous comments." Feh. It also doesn't allow comments from those of us without Blogger/Google accounts. I certainly am not going to get one just to counter that "outrages" claim that "Ashley Morris" is a pseudonym (but of course, "amakaram" is someone's true and actual name, I'm sure).
Posted by: KamaAina | 18 October 2007 at 03:35 PM
Criticizing you for encouraging the citizens of New Orleans to make informed choices prior to voting....shame on you ashley...lol
guess she's afraid if people look into it they'll realize she's a poor choice.
Posted by: karen b | 18 October 2007 at 09:04 PM
Again, some NOLA Bloggers are not thinking this through.
This is the eve of what may be the most important election ever for us in South East Louisiana.
When have we (you) ever felt comfortable with any politician north of Laplace, Louisiana?
What politician north of Laplace has ever shown the heart for keeping our New Orleans Saints?
Do you understand that the majority of folks north of LaPlace could care less about us in South East Louisiana?
As for Foster Campbell, let’s set the record straight in this guy.
Campbell is going to get rid of the state income tax like the successful rich states have done. Has he checked the property tax rates of those other states?
He also plans to tax oil transported through our port. The Ports of Mobile and Galveston must be heavy contributors to Huey's... I mean Foster's campaign.
Seriously, you cannot support the rebuilding of S.E. La. and vote for Campbell. It is a contradiction in extreme terms.
If one must cast a vote against Jindal, at least vote for someone with interest in this area's recovery like Walter Boasso or John Georges and forget all the political bull shit.
Posted by: E.C. | 19 October 2007 at 09:22 AM
I totally agree. Campbell's tax will have to be passed by the legislature and voters statewide first and then would probably be tied up for years in the courts. And then that isn't saying anything about what kind of effect there would be on business in the state.
Which is unfortunate because in other ways Campbell would seem to be very well credentialed and ready to be an effective governor.
Posted by: Richard P. | 20 October 2007 at 08:47 AM
Wow. I think back to where we started. I had $500 in my account and a crowded field of 8 candidates (two of which had access to huge war chest).
Against advisement, we worked on issues and developed a platform. Taking stands and offering solutions on issues (they say you lose votes by doing those types of things.
They said I was too young, didn't have enough money, and was an African-American candidate in a district with too many White voters.
Looking at last night's results I would think we proved them wrong. With our few resources, we were 223 votes away from making the run-off. We talked about issues, got many endorsements, and enjoyed support from all walks of life.
I hope this starts a change in what people think you need to be successful in campaigning. It's not what color your skin is, it's not how old you are, and it's not how much money you have.
Thanks to all of you who supported my candidacy, especially Ray and Ashley.
Let's make sure whoever gets elected to District 95 deals with the issues that affect our district. I'm far from giving up and I you all keep working too.
Thanks again,
Percy Marchand
Posted by: Percy Marchand | 21 October 2007 at 03:06 PM
well, u got what u worked for: Same and Old in the Council race. Many postk depressing days: Runoff between C Ray and Il Duce, same v. old; Corps announces no cat 5 levees; same v. old in council race, etc. Congratulations on your successful halting our recovery. What are we supposed to do now? Nether candidate has a vision and the only issue in the Council race of same v. old is RACE. Here come Jessie and Al. Who won? LIFE, Entergy, Nagin, the white supremacists, the luddites, the MFL's (tho in the bigger picture, the Family took a big hit with the loss of cousin Charlie), the power elite, the leftwing nihilists, and Acorn.
Posted by: lascalawag | 22 October 2007 at 02:37 PM