Just fuck them.
From now on, you go into a New Orleans bar, you go to Jazzfest, you go to a restaurant, you gotta show ID. If you have a south Louisiana ID, you get one rate; you don’t, you pay more. That's the way it is now, bitches.
If we aren’t Americans, then these motherfuckers are going to pay for not being New Orleanians.
I’ll say it again: shut down the port, turn off the pipelines. Let the motherfuckers know we mean bidness. Let Mary block the chimp’s appointees, and maybe the fuckers will get the fucking message.
Although I really doubt it. We’re not dealing with the best and brightest, you know.
When a rancid cunt like Bay Buchanan can say shit like "I think Katrina has worn its welcome - I think the American people are tired of it”, and not be kicked in her fucking teeth, well, the time has come to draw the fucking line.
It’s us vs. them.
Hell, I want a Fleur-de-lis on my passport, not a bird.
When I go to Europe, I can say, hey, I just want some levees, not bombs.
People around the world do this. In Germany, people from Munich think of themselves first as Bavarian, then eventually as German. In Prague, they are Bohemians first, and Czechs second. It’s not pure isolationism, but we need to take it further.
They’ve rejected us, we need to reject them.
Does anybody other than the Brits and the Commonwealth care about cricket? No. But there, it is life and blood. It used to be that way in the South with NASCAR, but now that has been homogenized and made palatable for the masses in places you wouldn't want to live in on a bet. Cricket is in the commonwealth culture, and they don't care if you don't understand it. If the rest of the US wants any of our culture, they must pay.
We have our own culture, our own society, our own history (not like theirs), our own little part of the world, and we don't give a flying fuckeroonie what they think.
Let us argue amongst ourselves about who makes the best po-boys and so on. They can't say a fucking word, because they don’t know. No, just because the taxi took you to Mother’s once does not make you a fucking expert. Well, maybe if Mem was driving the cab.
We get to get people like Sam Jackson and Whitney Marcell back. Austin can keep Cyril. Let’s get our doctors and nurses back, too. My damn eye doctor moved to the northshore. Shit.
And Alphonso Jackson? Fuck. You. I don’t want some cocksucker like you deciding who gets to come back to MY town. Go back to Dallas and hang out with Laurel Keating. I think you two will get along fine, except for the fact that you’re black, and neither one of you want to live around black people. You’re blunt. Fuck you. More like dull, blunt, obtuse, rounded at the free end. Maybe if you smoked more blunts, you wouldn’t be such a cocksucking, asshole piece of shit.
I hope Tiger Woods loses a testicle. Why can this motherfucker say he’s taking time off from playing golf to be with his dad, yet really go car racing and bungee jumping. Just to avoid coming to New Orleans to play in our golf tournament. If you don't want to come here, or if you're scared of being around black people, just say so. Lying sack of shit. Why the fuck aren’t you in New Orleans, bitch? Did we not pony up enough of an appearance fee? Like hell you drive a Buick, you lying piece of shit motherfucker. Why not just change your name to Nike, and cut the bullshit. You should be here in New Orleans as an ambassador of your sport. Well, you’re an ambassador of greed, an ambassador of all that’s wrong with your sport. Fuck off and die. Maybe they’ll bury you in a Nike-logo’d casket.
And Houston. Houston? I say we pull a Fidel Castro, and release all our prisoners, and give them a bus ride to Houston. That will save us money, and give them problems. Hell yeah. Let them wreak fucking havoc on your suburban sprawl, your big-ass SUVs, your vinyl-siding artificial ugly motherfucking houses. Katrina fatigue my ass. Bitches, we used to be Americans, too. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Katrina fatigue. Fuck you. You want crime? We can go medieval on your ass, you fucking fucks.
You know it’s bad when Ronnie Virgets sounds depressed.
When you read these stories, when you hear these children, you realize we have to do something.
They aren’t going to do it, they’ve showed their colors.
Fuck them.
Hasta la victoria siempre.
New Orleans über alles.
See, I figured someone more articulte than I would be the calm and rational grown-up. Or not.
It's time to foment open revolution, I think. We haven't hed a good coup for ages. HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS CHICKENSHIT OUTFIT?
Posted by: greg | 28 April 2006 at 04:07 AM
I need you to write a screenplay for me, a film starring Lee de Fleur.
Posted by: Mr. Clio | 28 April 2006 at 06:33 AM
If everyone in South Louisiana had your articulate anger, things would start happening faster.
I sent a little nasty note to Bay "Baywatch" Buchanan. Keep it on boil.
Posted by: Marco | 28 April 2006 at 07:24 AM
He's baaaaaaaack. Reading this gave me a caffeine jolt, big man.
Glad you haven't completely reformed you reprobate you.
Hmmm, this was sort of your Incredible Hulk post...
Posted by: Adrastos | 28 April 2006 at 07:59 AM
Wow, that felt good just reading it. It must have felt good to say it.
Posted by: Slimbolala | 28 April 2006 at 08:05 AM
God, that was fantastic. *lights up a smoke*
Posted by: dangerblond | 28 April 2006 at 08:14 AM
Yay! I just love me some trash-talkin' Ashley in the morning.
Posted by: Tim P. | 28 April 2006 at 12:02 PM
Freakin' A right Ashley!
Loma Prieda, Northridge, NYC 9/11... the Gov'ment rushed to their rescue. Where are they for the Gulf Coast? (They did get the petro stuff flowing and the Port working.)
If America is truly tired of hearing about our plight along the Coast, Fuck Them! (Twice, and no lube)
I talk to people here... see into their eyes. They are hurting and many see no hope. Maybe there is no hope.
We had one of the truist expressions of Culture here on the Coast. Our culture, all kinds of folks, and Amerika can't have that: we violate their rules. We aren't Stepford people.
It's time to make the PTB wake up and smell the coffee. It's time for a little rebellion.
Jefferson stated in 1803 that New Orleans was the greatest danger to the U.S.: It's time to prove that.
Posted by: GentillyGirl | 28 April 2006 at 01:38 PM
Secession. I've been arguing it for months, and I'm serious.
Posted by: Nabil | 28 April 2006 at 02:54 PM
Wow, if enough people read you, we are so freakin' dead in the "Water".
Anyway, here's a little something from CNN.
I for one think I shall stay out of Houston or if I must visit, pass my New Orleans accent off as the "Bronx"
Posted by: DWL NP | 29 April 2006 at 12:17 PM
You captured my feelings and thoughts exactly. Incredible post. If we could just leave the "union," develop diplomatic relations with other countries willing to help us out, and do things our way, we would make this "a better place" (James Booker in the background).
Posted by: Banzai Bill | 30 April 2006 at 09:27 PM
Say that dere!!! No one understands the Gulf Coast plight like people from there. No one else gives two hoots. They ask if your family's alive and they keep it moving. They don't care if the city you're from that is still a major part of your life and made you the person you are, the place where your Entire family is from, the place you hope to return to someday that has more importance to this country than they understand, they don't care that this place is fighting for its life. And if it is allowed to die, a part of you will die with it. They Do not understand that at-all!!!! It's because they don't know what it's like to be from a unique Place. And I'm fed up with it.
Thank you for your post. I'm right there with you.
Posted by: Viva Nola, Washington, DC | 01 May 2006 at 10:03 AM
Oh Ashley, New Orleans über alles? Deutschland hat in eine kleine Schwierigkeit erhalten das letzte mal das ausdrückt wurde benutzt. I'm with you though, I think there are quite a few people who could use a good kick in the teeth. Maybe two or three kicks. And a curbstomp. You know, just a little communication by action.
Posted by: Aaron | 02 May 2006 at 04:41 PM
Coincidentally, did you know it's illegal to call a product or a service number one, or "the best" in Germany? Almost anything that implies "superiority," for some odd reason or the other. All the companies take advantage of a loophole though - the law only prohibits those phrases in German, so they all put them in English when they advertise, which every German speaks at least rudimentarily. But this is all a digression from the point.
Posted by: Aaron | 02 May 2006 at 04:43 PM
Ashley, now I can relax..you have taken over my role as 'Bitchmama' I'll just let u do all the talking...
Posted by: Covingtongirl | 04 May 2006 at 07:27 AM
opps.I mean 'Bitchdaddy'..my mistake..............
Posted by: Covingtongirl | 06 May 2006 at 03:36 PM
Aaron: "a curbstomp"?
Damn! That brings back a real disturbing image from American History X.
Unfortunately, that's about all that will get their attention right now.
They're fatigued, you know...
Posted by: ashley | 06 May 2006 at 11:46 PM
Everybody in the country is sick of your infantile bitching. Towns get fucked up by hurricanes all the time, but nobody else expects the rest of the country to pay for the cleanup. Never in my life have I heard the kind of bitching that's been coming from people in New Orleans and you didn't even get the worst of it. I haven't heard anybody from Mississippi moaning about how the federal government should throw money at them. Grow up.
Posted by: Harry | 07 May 2006 at 11:52 AM
Harry, you stupid cocksucker. Shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about.
All we expect is what we deserve, what the rest of the country gets. We expect them to rebuild the levees. If they had built them to THEIR OWN SPECS to begin with, then we wouldn't have this conversation.
Oh, and nice fake email address. Fuckmook.
Posted by: ashley | 07 May 2006 at 06:20 PM
our professor turned my class onto your web log. As a New Orlenas local I have to say you speak the truth and in fantastic style. Amen brother
Posted by: karen boudreaux | 21 May 2006 at 05:57 PM
We (study group) aims to obtain a very necessary to reassess of law, (so that see) this law is how to allow religious groups this monster is how to pass laws to trample on the rights and interests of the people of honesty. However, by this study, I more aware each kind of law have two "explain" :
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one for the rich preparation, a kind of for us these "other people" preparation. Oh, these "monsters" is the formulation and implementation of the group; law Religious courts still exist in today in this country.
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I'm definitely tired of struggling to find relevant and intelligent comments on this topic.
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